Buy Shooters World Blackout D063.02 Shooters World Blackout is also known as Lovex D063.02. Originally it was specifically designed for performance in the 300 Blackout. Ballistic results for this propellant show it appropriate for both pistol and rifle cartridges that incorporate a near straight-walled cartridge case. The propellant gas generation rate is appropriate for .300 Blackout, 7.62×39, .30-30, .22 Hornet, as well as many straight-walled large pistol and rifle cartridges where rapid transformation from powder to gas is desired. It is similar in burn speed to Accurate 1680®.
Shooters World Blackout Powder is a spherical propellant that meters through charge plates consistently and will flow well in a high-speed loader. It contains a level of flash suppression, incorporated into the propellant.
Ballistic load data using SAAMI test methods
Ballistic load data using European CIP test methods and standards for D063 propellant is available here.
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