Hodgdon H4895 Smokeless Rifle Powder


Buy Hodgdon H4895 Smokeless Rifle Powder is a most versatile rifle powder. This member of the Extreme Extruded
line is great for 17 Remington, 250-3000 Savage, 308 Winchester and 458 Winchester, to
name just a few. It is amazingly accurate in every cartridge where it is listed in our data. It
had its origin in the 30-06 as a military powder and was the first powder Bruce Hodgdon sold
to the loading public.



Buy Hodgdon H4895 Smokeless Rifle Powder – Buy Hodgdon H4895 Smokeless Rifle Powder Near Me


Buy Hodgdon H4895 Smokeless Rifle Powder is a most versatile rifle powder. This member of the Extreme Extruded
line is great for 17 Remington, 250-3000 Savage, 308 Winchester and 458 Winchester, to
name just a few. It is amazingly accurate in every cartridge where it is listed in our data. It
had its origin in the 30-06 as a military powder and was the first powder Bruce Hodgdon sold
to the loading public.

Popular for decades, Hodgdon H4895 smokeless rifle powder is known for extreme temperature insensitivity. Shop Powder Valley for 1lb canisters and 8lb jugs.


Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Brand Hodgdon Powder
Options HODGDON H4895 1#, HODGDON H4895 8#
Product Type


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